Post Covid Lockdown Recognition - 27th Sept 2021

Monday 18th October, 2021 - 1:01pm

During choir practice on Monday, our President, Kath, re-presented Derek Harvey with a Nigel Hallard print the choir gave him in recognition of his 70th anniversary with the choir. The inscription reads “Presented to Derek by his fellow members of the Mousehole Male Voice Choir as a mark of their affection and in recognition of his outstanding and remarkable 70 years of service to the choir.“ This was shortly after the choir had reassembled after the Covid related lay off at Paul Church to restart indoor choir practices. Derek’s family were also present and his daughter Jane said “It felt a real honour and quite emotional to be there and watch the spontaneous reaction, with the clapping and standing ovation for him. It was a real boost for him, he came home buzzing!” 

Kath also presented Steve Lawry, our MD, with a beautiful framed photograph of Newlyn, in recognition of the outstanding contribution he has made in keeping the choir together via Zoom during the last eighteen months of the the pandemic. For the choir, Monday night was and is music night! Thank you Steve those Zoom practices are beginning to pay off!

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