Farewell Perkins
Tuesday 22nd May, 2018 - 9:13am
It is with much sadness that we announce the death of Perkins Matthews who was a Second Tenor and a member of the Choir for over 50 years. Perkins was much loved by everyone in the choir and there has been no-one who has been at more rehearsals and concerts than him.
Over his lifetime in the choir, he has won the attendance cup for more years than can be remembered. His reputation preceded him whether it was with his defending skills on the football pitch or wagging his finger umpiring on the cricket pitch, he came to choir practice with a devotion to learning and the glint of humour in his eye.
His loyalty, commitment and enthusiasm to everything choir related were an example to all and he proved to be a very true ambassador for the choir and the perfect role model. When looking at the comments on the choir’s Facebook page, the one comment that keeps shining through was that he was a gentleman.
For newer members of the choir, it was a privilege to sing with him and get to know him. His last away trip with the choir was to Brittany last year which he thoroughly enjoyed.
The front row chair where he sat may be occupied by another member of the choir, but it will always be Perkins we see sat there.
The choirs of angels now have a wonderful second tenor in their midst, he will be greatly missed and our thoughts are with his Family. Rest in Peace Perkins.